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Fresh expressions - fonder des églises

  • Fonder de nouvelles églises (c'est à la mode en France, pas en Suisse romande)
  • Former des personnes pour un ministère de fondateur d'églises (Il y en a qui en font leur spécialité)

MAIS ce qui est intéressant, c'est de lire qu'en GB les Méthodistes et Anglicans font tout pour former des personnes en vue des oeuvres émergentes.

ET ICI, personne à ma connaissance ne s'y est encore mis en francophonie. 

 Explications, documents téléchargeables, all in English, of course...

Fresh Expressions informs us: 

1) Exploring pioneer ministry
Fresh Expressions and our partner agencies have received a significant number of enquiries from existing clergy who would like to explore pioneer ministry as part of their own calling to ordained ministry. We are always glad to talk through particular situations with individuals. However we have provided this short guide as a way of summarising the advice we have been giving to clergy who are making this journey. We hope this guide will also prove useful to those who work with clergy in exploring their unfolding vocations in oversight and ministerial review.  

2) Ordained Pioneer Ministry Guidelines 
The Church of England has adopted the language of pioneer ministry for starting and sustaining fresh expressions of church.  In 2006 the House of Bishops approved new guidelines to encourage vocations to pioneer ministry as a recognised focus of ordained ministry. There are a growing number of candidates in training and beginning to serve their title posts as pioneers.

More to read here 

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