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FX Fresh Expressions - 26 11 2021

Pour anglophones



Who isn't in church?

What would it look like if you started something in the places where the people who aren't in church spend their time?

The possibilities are endless...

We can help equip you take the next step in starting, developing or multiplying new, vibrant Christian communities in every ordinary nook and cranny of life.

Join us next Thursday 25th November, 7:30-9pm online for our Who Me? event as we take a deep dive into Fresh Expressions and your role in God's mission.

Register for 'Who, Me?' Fx Event

Our Online Vision Event 'Who, me?', is happening NEXT WEEK!

If you've not booked on then now is your chance! We've got a few spaces left and one of them is for you!

With stories from fx practitioners, space to unpack what God might be speaking to you about, an opportunity to share God-given dreams for your community as well as helpful resources on Fresh Expressions and how to get your idea or dream off the ground. 

As part of the evening we'll be exploring the following questions:

What might God be communicating to you about?  

Is there a dream, a feeling of discontent, an opportunity, a desire to connect your passions with your faith?

Is there a role for me in God's mission?*
*You don't need to attend our event to find out the answer to this one, because God says 'YES!' there is a role for you! (we still think you should come along on Thursday 25th anyway though)

Register for 'Who, Me?'

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