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"L'Eglise ... au monde entier"

Les conférences de "Lausanne" sont incontournables lorsqu'il s'agit de réfléchir à la mission de l'Eglise. "Lausanne 2010" a pour devise: 'l'Eglise toute entière apporte l'Evangile complet au monde entier".

Les objectifs de cette conférence prévue en octobre 2010: manifester l'unité, proclamer un Evangile de vérité, faire ensemble ce qui ne peut être fait seul...



It’s our hope and prayer that three things will emerge from Cape Town 2010:

  1. A greater sense of unity in the body of Christ.  Jesus prayed (as recorded in John 17), that His followers would be one, just as He and the Father are One so that “the world may believe.”  As we come together, face-to-face and virtually, we have the opportunity to draw closer to God, putting our hearts and minds together in prayer and strategy, learning more about one another and supporting one another personally and in ministry.  What a powerful witness to the watching world!
  2. A greater sense of clarity of the gospel.  There is a growing sense of ambivalence in the church with regard to the gospel.  Questions about its truth and reliability are being raised even by those who claim to believe it.  As the body of Christ we must reclaim the ground that has been lost in our conviction that the gospel is truth and we must move forward with a greater understanding of how to communicate the truth of the gospel in the changing culture and world in which we live.
  3. A greater sense of ordered priority in the task before us.  We can do more together than we can do separately.  By coming together in CT2010, we can discern what God is saying to us about His church and the task of world evangelization and can seek to move forward with a greater understanding and commitment to work in partnership on the priority of sharing Christ in word and deed.

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