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La résurrection et l'engagement du chrétien

N.T. Wright (Christianity Today)

Dans un article traitant de la résurrection, l’auteur argumente en théologien en faveur de la mission de l’église dans le monde. C’est à cause de la résurrection qu’il faut en finir avec cette schizophrénie séparant le salut des âmes du bien à faire dans le monde.

Heaven Is Not Our Home
The bodily resurrection is the good news of the gospel—and thus our social and political mandate.

N. T. Wright | 24 mars 2008

Lire à la page 3, sous l'intitulé: From Worship to Mission

From Worship to Mission

The mission of the church is nothing more or less than the outworking, in the power of the Spirit, of Jesus' bodily resurrection. It is the anticipation of the time when God will fill the earth with his glory, transform the old heavens and earth into the new, and raise his children from the dead to populate and rule over the redeemed world he has made.

If that is so, mission must urgently recover from its long-term schizophrenia. The split between saving souls and doing good in the world is not a product of the Bible or the gospel, but of the cultural captivity of both. The world of space, time, and matter is where real people live, where real communities happen, where difficult decisions are made, where schools and hospitals bear witness to the "now, already" of the gospel while police and prisons bear witness to the "not yet." The world of space, time, and matter is where parliaments, city councils, neighborhood watch groups, and everything in between are set up and run for the benefit of the wider community, the community where anarchy means that bullies (economic and social as well as physical) will always win, where the weak and vulnerable will always need protecting, and where the social and political structures of society are part of the Creator's design.

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