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Rechercher : fresh expressions

  • Fresh expressions

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    Welcome to the May 2011 edition of e-xpressions. Stories and updates on our website this month include:







    New audio and video on our site includes material from this month's Changing the Landscape conference in Oxford:


    • Rowan Williams' keynote address (watch or listen);
    • Graham Cray's keynote address (watch or listen);
    • Bart Woodhouse and Tim Crome discuss The Beacon, Dartford with Karen Carter (watch);
    • Shiela Porter and Chris Spencer discuss St George's, Deal with Karen Carter (watch);
    • Paul Bradbury and Stuart Goddard discuss Reconnect and Poole Missional Communities with Karen Carter (listen);
    • Mark Berry and Loraine Mellor discuss safespace, Telford and the Warrington Circuit with Karen Carter (listen).


    You can listen to all of our latest audio and material from our on demand page.

  • Fresh Expressions

    Image 50.pngYou may find here your question - answered by Fresh Expressions

    Browse The Guide

    • What are fresh expressions all about?
    • What are some examples of fresh expressions?
      • Rural fresh expressions
      • Urban fresh expressions
      • Café church
      • Workplace church
      • Fresh expressions for under 5s and their families
      • Children's fresh expressions
      • Fresh expressions for older people
      • Online fresh expressions
      • Fresh expressions among other faiths
      • New monastic fresh expressions
    • How do fresh expressions develop?
    • How might we start a fresh expression?
    • How might we encourage discipleship?
    • How can we sustain our fresh expression?
    • How might we support fresh expressions?
    • Q&A

  • Fresh Expressions

    fe-logo.gifFresh Expressions encourage des activités nouvelles à vivre dans le cadre d'églises ayant une longue tradition.

    Ici, quelques liens vers des articles du bulletin de novembre:... tout an anglais ...

    Welcome to the November edition of e-xpressions. This month we've had a bumper crop of new stories on our website:

  • Fresh Expressions

    fe-logo.gif Useful links

    Tout en anglais - tellement riche en resources

    Here you can find useful links to other organisations and sites relevant to fresh expressions. You may also be interested in related training and events or networks of fresh expressions.

    Alternative worship contains information about and links to worldwide alternative worship sites and resources.

    blah is a series of conversations hosted by CMS on mission, worship, church and Christianity in today’s rapidly changing culture.

    CellUK provides 1st class training and support for Cell Churches of all denominations and none.

    Church in New Housing Areas is a site of Churches Together in England addressing the issues around fresh expressions and church planting on new housing estates.

    CoachNet International Ministries partners with ministry leaders around the globe to help them fulfill their God-given mission of developing leaders who start, grow, and multiply healthy churches.

    CPAS develops leaders at all levels in churches so that churches may be more effective in mission.

    emergingchurch.info has stories, reflections and discussion on the emerging church.

    Encounters on the Edge is The Sheffield Centre's series of quarterly investigations, written by George Lings, looking at emerging forms of church and crossing the widening gap to the non-churched.

    Image bank is a free resource for churches seeking to explore how images can help in fresh expressions of worship.

    Interface is a Methodist website that explores contemporary issues (news, film, ongoing debate) from a faith-based perspective.

    New Way of Being Church supports small Christian communities with training, research and resources.

    Proost is a creative company producing inspiring worship resources: books, albums and movies, most of which have come from alternative worship in fresh expressions of church. You can buy individual products or take out an annual subscription which gives access to the whole back catalogue of downloadable content plus a year’s new content.

    Purpose Driven UK is a church health model that provides a pastoral team with a unique, biblically-based approach to establishing and growing congregations.

    ReSource trains people with a vision to engage in mission and start churches in the emerging culture.

    RUN encourages emerging forms of church to communicate Christ to contemporary cultures.

    Together in Mission exists to work with denominations, networks and local churches to encourage the planting of missional communities.

    Urban Expression is an urban mission agency that recruits, equips, deploys and networks self-financing teams pioneering creative and relevant expressions of the Christian church in under-churched areas of the inner city.

    WordLive and LightLive are two excellent sites from Scripture Union containing teaching resources and material for personal devotion and Bible Study.